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Bassegoda Park Bassegoda Park
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Albanyà – Lliurona – Albanyà

Durée à pied : 4 h. Distance : 8,94 km.

Il s’agit d’un itinéraire simple qui vous permettra de connaître le voisinage direct d’Albanyà. Il faut grimper depuis la Creu de l’Illa jusqu’à la maison de La Parada puis descendre par le Col des Arcades jusqu’à atteindre les petites plaines que configurent Lliurona. Ce n’est pas un itinéraire excessivement compliqué mais il présente quelques montées.

Torre dels Moros et Passeig de Sant Antoni

Durée à pied : 45 minutes. Distance : 3,04 km.

Cet itinéraire vous permet de grimper jusqu’à l’emblématique Torre dels Moros (Tour des Maures) de Sant Llorenç de la Muga. En partant du village, il faut traverser le pont de fer, poursuivre en grimpant par un sentier jusqu’à la Torre dels Moros puis revenir par la chapelle de Sant Antoni et le Passeig de Sant Antoni.

Audiovisuel :

Montée à la chapelle de Sant Jordi

Durée à pied : 2h30. Distance : 5,62 km.

La chapelle de Sant Jordi offre de belles vues sur le lac de Darnius-Boadella (dont on peut voir une partie), la plaine de l’Empordà et la mer. Depuis Sant Llorenç de la Muga, prendre vers l’église sur un chemin bien signalisé puis revenir par le même chemin.

Albanyà – Sant Miquel de la Cirera – Albanyà

Time on foot: 4 hours. Distance: 8 km.

This is a route quite interesting for families, although it has a moderate climb at the beginning. From Bassegoda Park, we have to take the path that go upwards to the Lliurona neighbourhood. When we almost reach the farmhouse La Parada, we take a path to the left; and to the left again, on the next crossroad. We keep following our way until we find some signs that indicate "Sant Miquel de sa Cirera" is nearby. Not so far away, we can find the little church.

Once there, and after resting a bit if necessary, we can go back. We can use the same path as before –but downwards this time– or coming back to the signs and taking the right route, until the La Trinxera zone and starting to go downhill until we reach the farmhouse La Costa, close to Albanyà and Bassegoda Park.

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Bassegoda Park – Collet de la Teia – Coll de Pincaró – Bassegoda Park

Time on foot: 4.5 hrs. Distance: 13.5 km.

Alert! This is a difficult route. It allows us to get close to the Pincaró neighborhood, first going upwards in Bassegoda peak direction, until we reach Collet de la Teia. Enjoy the views! From there, we will drop down to Pla de la Teuleria, and a bit more until we arrive at Coll de Pincaró. If we want, we can go downwards to the Pincaró neighbourhood (at the bottom of the valley). We will continue our route until we reach Bassegoda Park again, following the Muga river course.

We will have enjoyed a 13.5 km route with a moderate slope and good views of Albanyà forests and relief.

Albanyà – Pont del Bertran – Castell del Serrat – Albanyà

Time on foot: 2.5 hrs. Distance: 12 km aprox.

This route allows us to know a bit more about Albanyà's nearby architectural heritage. It does not require an excellent physical condition, even with the steep ascent at the beginning, but there are no signals and you have to be careful when the Muga river is full of water.

We start the route at Albanyà to the top of the Ferrerós mountains (to the north) and start to go down facing northwest, thus leaving Mas Ferrerós (a farmhouse) on the right. The path leads us to the Gorgues of the Muga river (natural river pools) and follows the river for a while. We keep following the path until we reach Pont del Bertran (a XIX Century’s bridge) to cross the river. There is a path to the left that leads to the Colomer del Bertran (a medieval dovecote) and, close to it, the Castell (castle) de Serrat.

We do come back until we reach the same path that we used to go downwards the Ferrerós mountains. We will take a path to the right and follows the river until reaching the Molina farm and, if we follow the path, to the Bassegoda Park.
