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  0034 669 579 105
  0034 972 542 020 - 0034 972 542 021
Bassegoda Park Bassegoda Park
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La Sala de les Constel·lacions est l’espace du Bassegoda Park aménagé pour réaliser des conférences. La salle est entièrement domotisée et peut contenir jusqu’à 100 personnes. Sa fonction est d’accueillir débats, conférences et activités de vulgarisation de toute sorte.

La salle est décorée d'une image panoramique exceptionnelle où vous pouvez identifier un certain nombre d'astronomes qui ont été importants pour l'évolution de cette discipline, qui couvre tout un mur ; et une immense fresque murale avec un autre panorama détaillé des différents satellites et la distance de séparation entre eux et la planète Terre.

La Sala de les Constel·lacions est un espace qui peut être loué pour la tenue d’événements : conférences, débats, ateliers... Consultez la réglementation sur la location de la Sala de les Constel·lacions aquí:

Terms and conditions for the booking and use of the “Sala de les Constel·lacions”

Terms and conditions for the booking and use of the “Sala de les Constel·lacions”

1. The booking is invoiced as per the indicated prices. Should the booking exceed the scheduled occupancy of the room, and only if the room is not booked by another party for the following hour, every additional hour shall be invoiced at 30 euros, whether for commercial or cultural use.

2. From 9pm, every hour or part thereof that exceeds the booked time shall incur a charge of 30 euros.

3. Booking of the room means availability of the room and the material but does not presuppose the assistance of a technician to support the programmed event. This assistance shall be at the expense of the event organiser.

4. Should constant technical assistance be required; the applicant must employ professional services. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. can provide the contact details for its regular suppliers.

5. Use of a space does not oblige Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. to include the hosted activity in the printed or electronic advertising of the Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. programme.

6. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. reserves the right to suspend an approved event application due to causes of force majeure or when this coincides with one of its own activities. In this case, an alternative shall be proposed to the organisers of the suspended event as soon as possible.

7. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. reserves the right to suspend any event that involves content of a xenophobic or racist nature or of any other kind that may, in the opinion of the campsite Management team, cause harm to the image of the campsite and/or to that of any client of the establishment.

8. Any damage caused by misuse of the apparatus or facilities shall be charged to the applicant, for which purpose a €100 bond shall always be requested upon handing over the key to the room.

9. Booking services include the cleaning and basic security services, and public liability insurance. Depending on the nature of the proposed activity, Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. may require the applicant to cover the extraordinary services provided (insurance, medical services, professional technical services for handling audio-visual equipment, etc.).

10. The sale of products or services shall require the express authorisation of Càmping Bassegoda, S.L.

11. The applicant, in their own name or that of the organisers (if appropriate), guarantees that the programmed activity shall comply with intellectual property rights and obligations of the works, performances or activities carried out, and shall assume any expenses that may arise from them.

12. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. is not responsible for signs or other advertising elements put up or placed in unauthorised places.

13. The personal information provided by the applicant shall be recorded in a database owned by Càmping Bassegoda, S.L., created to manage the activities. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. undertakes to comply with its obligations to maintain the strictest confidentiality and to take the necessary technical and legal measures to prevent any unauthorised access or processing. In any case, the data subject may exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation by writing to: The Director of Càmping Bassegoda, S.L.; Camí de Bassegoda s/n 17733 Albanyà (Girona); calling 972 542 020; or by e-mail to

14. Rental of the laptop also includes Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer, Microsoft Word Viewer, VLC media player and Acrobat Reader programs. All these programs are updated to their latest version. If any additional program is required, this must be included in the observations when the room booking is formalised.

15. The room has a stereo system and projector with a resolution of 1080p, 720p and 800 x 600 pixels with VGA and HDMI connections. Should higher quality image or sound be required, or other kinds of connections, this must be notified beforehand to see if support can be provided when the room booking is formalised.

16. Càmping Bassegoda, S.L. reserves the right to waive the costs of activities of cultural or social interest which, coinciding with the objectives and philosophy of the campsite, are of interest for its own programming of activities. In any case, this shall always refer to activities that are open to the public, not-for-profit and organised by a legally incorporated entity.

€60 €90 €125



